Brigitte's Vow

Brigitte Makes A Vow

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

The Story

On September 13th, 2011 Brigitte Dale posted her newest weekly DVDDiva video discussing among other things the upcoming release of the Star Wars saga on Blu-Ray.  In the description of the video it states:
In honor of the release of the "Star Wars Saga" on Blu-ray, the adorable Brigitte takes a "Which 'Star Wars' Character Are You?" quiz and vows to dress as that character. Fingers crossed for Leia!
In the video Brigitte goes to a website that tells you what Star Wars character you are.  She hopes that she is Princess Leia.  Unfortunately for her, she soon discovers she is the enigmatic Lando Calrissian.  She then goes on to say in the video that she will not dress as Lando on Halloween.  Now there are many words in the English language and we cannot expect everyone to know what they all mean not even someone as awesome as Brigitte.  However the definition of vow is:
a solemn promise or assertion; specifically : one by which a person is bound to an act, service, or condition
Now Brigitte may argue that the description of the video was written by some unpaid intern from a community college next to a recycling plant.  Even if that were true, Brigitte should have read and approved it before it was posted.  So I say we implore Brigitte to keep her vow (or in this case the unpaid intern's vow) and dress as Lando for Halloween.

Vote on whether or not you think Brigitte should do it.

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